Laser Tattoo Removal
Finally, A safe Way to remove your tattoo
SPECTRA Tattoo Removal & Pigmented lesion removal
ABOUT TATTOOS: Decorative tattoos have a history dating back from ancient times. Currently, almost twenty percent of people in the United States have tattoos and the number is still growing. For the younger generation, tattoos are considered a symbol of freedom, but with advancing age, more and more wish to remove them because of the negative connotation associated with tattoos. Tattoos are also removed simply because of an individual’s desire to replace the existing tattoo with a newer design.

HOW ARE TATTOOS REMOVED? Medical lasers use a beam of light to significantly lighten or completely remove your tattoo. When the ink particles absorb the light from the laser, they are broken through your body’s immune system. This process generally takes a few weeks. The larger the tattoo, the more sessions it will take to break down the ink particles
WHAT WILL MY SKIN LOOK LIKE AFTER TREATMENT? Right after your treatment, your skin will have a white discoloration, and the area around the tattoo may become reddish and appear swollen. This is normal and will disappear slowly over time. Results take about 5 – 6 weeks after each treatment. Immediately after treatment, antibacterial ointment and gauze will be applied to the treated area to minimize infection.
Occasionally, a whitening of the skin may occur. However, normal skin tone should return within 6 – 12 months following your last treatment session. Since the ink used in tattooing can vary from tattoo to tattoo, some patients have only partial clearing even after several sessions.
Q & A
Other treatment options from removing a tattoo include surgical excision, dermabrasion (or sanding) and chemical peels. These methods can be painful and may often result in scarring. Laser treatments are safer. They are minimally invasive and only target the ink used in the tattoo process.
The laser emits light in very short pulses. The impact of the energy from the pulse is very similar to a snap of a small rubber band on the skin. Some patients say they feel a slight sting. Many do not need anesthetics. However, depending on the ink's concentration, size and location of the tattoo, some patients may feel more comfortable with a local numbing option such as icing or anesthetic creams which are available if needed.
HOW MANY TREATMENTS WILL I NEED?The number of treatments required for optimal results depends on the size, location, depth and color of the tattoo. Dr. Kerby and Desai in their study "Laser tattoo removal scale" used the 6 parameters to predict number of treatments as shown on the left figure. They are skin type (1-6), Location (1-5), Amount of ink (1-4), Layering of tattoo 0-2), Scar or Texture change (0-5), Color of inks (1-4). Number of estimated treatment will be the summation of these 6 scores. Treatments should be performed 8-12weeks apart in order to allow the body to remove the maximum amount of tattoo pigment after each treatment.
How long the treatment takes and what to expect after treatments?
Each session usually takes 10 – 30 minutes. You will continue to see lightening of your tattoo after each treatment as your body disposes of more pigment. Most patients will see improvement in their tattoos and results can be quite dramatic.
Wound Care After Laser Undo Tattoo
Wound care is simple, Immediately after treatment:
1. Keep the dressing in place till it falls out itself
2. Then, you may use antibiotic ointment for a few days such as Mupirocin, Bacitracin, Neosporin, which prevents irritation and infection
3. Lastly follow antibiotic ointment with another 4-5 days of Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment to reduce discomfort, moisturize the treated area and reduce the risk of adverse reactions. Moisturized wound almost always heals better. For more detail see “Undo tattoo Post Treatment Care”.
For More Info please see the sub page Spectra Undo Tattoo