RF 4 Minor Skin Irregularity
Introducing Radiowave Frequency RF Treatment for minor Skin Irregularities
Today, everyone wants to look younger and have beautiful skin. However, the skin is typically the first area to show signs of aging. Thanks to radiowave technology unsightly growths and some facial veins can be removed, resulting in smoother, more attractive skin.
Radiowave technology uses high-frequency energy to make cosmetic-enhancing incisions. Healing is rapid and virtually bloodless with little or no bruising or swelling. Suturing is rarely needed.
Cosmetic radiowave surgery patients heal quickly and start enjoying their results immediately. Radiowave procedures are effective on many types of skin lesions, including:
· Age spots
· Moles and raised legions
· Skin tags
· Small red facial veins
· Warts
· Sun damaged skin
· Skin surfaced irregularities
Best of all, radiowave technology is done in your physician’s office.
Questions & Answers about Radiowave Technology
Radiowave technology is the passage of ultra-high-frequency radiowaves into the skin for the purpose of eliminating lesions with minimal discomfort and rapid healing.
How does radiowave technology differ from traditional surgery?
When radiowaves are used instead of scalpel or laser, only the cells immediately adjacent to the wire electrode are affected. This results in less bleeding than scalpel and a more comfortable recovery than lasers. Scarring is often minimized or eliminated. Lasers are less delicate than radiowave technology and may cause excessive tissue burns and slower healing with more redness and inflammation.
Who is the best candidate for radiowave technology?
Anyone wishing to improve his or her appearance is a potential candidate. Ask your physician today for more details on how radiowave technology can benefit you.
How many treatments will I need?
One visit for most facial procedures. However, certain veins may take several visits.
Why wait any longer?
Ask your physician today about radiowave technology.